ARSC was chartered as a not-for-profit corporation on October 7, 1997 (Charter #1462953) and is funded by the participating Safety Organizations each calendar year.
ARSC Historical Prospective
In June 1995 The National Petroleum Refiners Association (NPRA) ad-hoc committee on Contractor Safety Training and the Texas Chemical Council (TCC) Occupational Safety and Health committee delegated the task of developing reciprocity agreements with all Contractor Safety Councils to the Executive Directors of each of the Council’s involved.
The council representatives first met on June 28, 1995 in Houston, TX. There have been many meetings since that time with council representatives working diligently to maintain reciprocity. The immediate focus was on the Gulf Coast area, as that is the largest Petrochemical Industry concentration in the country. Many felt that if an agreement could be reached in the Gulf Coast area that other parts of the country would agree in time. Since the 1995 meeting our membership has expanded too many other areas outside the Gulf Coast.
The dedicated efforts of these Council representatives were realized by the development of a training program that is known today as the Basic Orientation Plus® and the Basic Orientation Plus-Refresher®. We have since adopted other programs and plan to continue implementation of additional programs within ARSC as we work together in the future.